Wear It Purple Day

Wear It Purple Day

Ok I’ll admit up front, I’ve had a crappy day & I’m having a glass of wine (or two). But nothing beats the heartbreak that I’m feeling for that poor Transgender kid in Ipswich tonight.

It is Wear It Purple Day. A day that’s supposed to celebrate diversity and awareness for LGBTQIA+ young people. But what do I see as I casually scroll through my Facebook feed? An article about transphobic comments that an ugly Mr-Nobody radio β€œpersonality” has made about being uncomfortable with his daughter sharing a school bathroom with a transgender student.


Just when you dare to think that maybe, just maybe humanity is starting to evolve, some knob stirs the pot with this shit. Two knobs actually, if you consider the heartless thug of an editor that decided to run the story on Wear It Purple Day.

I mean what the hell does he think is going to happen? His β€œchild” is 14 years old! Pretty sure it’s fair to say she knows what being transgender is, mate. And it isn’t the horror story that you’ve twisted it to be in your head.

But the real kicker is the comments on the article. Now, I really shouldn’t be surprised, sadly, as it is a Courier Mail article. But I am overwhelmed by the volume of hatred that’s being spewed. Actually no, I do take that back. The majority of it is just plain ignorance. Too feeble-minded to think outside of their own little box. Completely unable to stretch their tiny little brains to consider how they would actually feel if their child identified as LGBTQIA+? Would they still fight for their child? Their rights? Or would they continue to squeal such delightful comments as (and I quote), β€œRainbow effer’s pushing there(sp) twisted agenda on everyone and everything”

It only got worse from there.

Forcing myself to stop reading, my thoughts return to that scared teenager that’s undoubtedly mortified by all of this. Remember what you were like at 14? Awkward as hell! And here are grown-ass adults openly discussing your bathroom habits. Your gender. Your sexuality. It should be no-one else’s business except your own and who you choose to share it with. And here’s this muppet making it national news. The poor kid just needs to pee!

I really did want to write a more uplifting Wear It Purple Day post. But everything I’ve seen so far just proves how desperately we need more than just this one day. This country needs to start growing the hell up. And actually start thinking about ALL the children.

So, this is a shout out to all of them. The kids of the bigots AND those brave young souls that have spoken up and out about their gender and sexuality. Be better than your parents. Help them see how painful their words can be, if it’s safe. But most of all, have faith that one day in hopefully the not-too-distant future, that everyone will be allowed to just be human.

Post originally published on Love, In Other Words.Β 

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